Why Using a Real Estate Cleaning Service Is a Smart Move When Selling a Home


You have properties to sell — and you want to move them fast. But what do you do when a homeowner hasn’t properly cleaned or when a home is left abandoned and has never been thoroughly cleaned?

Real estate cleaning services might sound too costly to consider, but the most successful agents often use them. 

Keep reading because this article will discuss how different categories of realtors feel about hiring a cleaning service and why successful agents use them. 

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3 Categories of Realtors and How They Feel About Hiring a Cleaning Service for Real Estate Sales

#1: The DIY Realtors

Many realtors work with sellers who aren't concerned about the home being perfect. They just want to sell it quickly and as-is. In this instance, a DIY realtor would either plan to clean the home themselves or is counting on the homeowner to do it.

If you are a DIY realtor, keep in mind everyone has different standards of “clean,” and there might be other ways to use your time better.  

#2: The Absolute Necessity Realtors

This is the realtor who sells a trashed house or a complete fixer-upper. With this type of property, you usually have to tear everything out. 

In this instance, the home is generally in bad condition, and the realtor wants a housecleaning company to come in and pick up the debris, etc. The seller or real estate company typically understands that the cleaning company isn’t able to make the space look perfect, but they can make it safer to walk through.

Some agents don’t hire real estate cleaning services until they have a house like this and it’s an “absolute necessity.”   

#3: The Big Picture Realtors

These are the realtors who say “get it done” and are willing to spend the money for a professional house cleaning. 

These realtors are generally working with wealthier clientele and will be able to sell the home for a lot of money. If you sell a house for $2 million, paying for a deep clean is a drop in the bucket. You should get a high return on investment.

Are you a realtor ready to hire a real estate cleaning service? Look no further than Tidy Up Portland!

Tidy Up Portland! is committed to providing our clients with the highest quality real estate cleaning services.

To learn more, contact us today. 

5 Reasons the Most Successful Agents Use Real Estate Cleaning Services

#1: It Allows Buyers To See Themselves Living in the Space

A client's first step when buying a home is to visualize themselves living there. Most buyers will not pay for a house if they can't imagine their own items in the home or how they may be able to use the space. . 

When clients walk through a house that doesn’t feel or smell clean, they tend to shy away. So experienced agents understand why hiring a professional cleaning service is essential if they want the home to sell quickly. 

For example, a home with stains on the walls or carpet can make a buyer feel like they will have to do a lot of work or spend a lot of money after — or even before — they move in. 

#2: DIY Cleaning Isn’t Usually Good Enough for Buyers

Some homeowners or realtors may be tempted to save money by cleaning their properties themselves. While it seems like a good idea, you may regret not spending the extra money once the cleaning begins. 

Getting a home ready for sale can be stressful for a homeowner, so some realtors recommend clients leave it to the pros. Even if you assure the buyer that the carpet will be replaced before they move in, first impressions are still important. Something like a stained carpet can only turn a prospective buyer off.

Don't risk losing a potential buyer by not encouraging your clients to hire a professional cleaning service before they list the home.

#3: It Makes the Home Show-Ready

Even if a client cleans regularly, there will always be repairs or replacements to make to prepare a home for selling. 

In addition to cleaning, there are often: 

  • Upgrades to include

  • Special features to add

  • Damages to repair; and 

  • Other areas of improvement 

Some realtors give their clients a to-do list to prepare for their home showings. However, to make life easier, hiring a professional cleaning service is one of the most effective methods of making your home show-ready.

When a home is ready to list, agents take professional photos, and poor images can deter many buyers. So it’s important to have everything on your list complete, including a thorough cleaning before taking photos. 

#4: It Gives You More Time for Marketing and Other Showings

When you're an agent, you shouldn't spend all your time improving the look of a home yourself when you should be marketing it instead. Why spend three hours cleaning a home when you could spend that time showing more properties?

Professional cleaning services allow you to focus more on marketing than worrying about the appearance of your property. Making a good first impression on prospective buyers can shorten the home's time on the market if potential buyers like what they see.

#5: It Helps You Sell Homes Faster and at a Higher Price

The price you want to sell the house may be reduced if the house is not cleaned thoroughly.

For instance, new homeowners might experience respiratory problems due to layers of dirt and dust in the house. Or perhaps the buyer may have to replace the carpet if pet stains are left unattended. Some buyers may believe there could be future issues from lack of home maintenance if they feel cleanliness has not been maintained as well. 

Sellers might bargain for a lower selling price when faced with such circumstances.  

cleaning service for real estate

Tidy Up Portland!: What's Included in Our Real Estate Cleaning Service?

Let the team at Tidy Up Portland! make your property sparkle and shine. We offer hourly and flat rates, and as we work through our detailed checklist, we will ensure that everything is done right and that the house is left fresh and clean.

In addition, we recommend our “Move Out” or “Move In” cleans for real estate properties.

Some services we offer for this type of cleaning include: 

  1. All Areas — Examples include cobweb cleaning and dusting baseboards and window sills

  2. Floors — Vacuuming and mopping all floors

  3. Bathrooms — Scrubbing tubs, toilets, and sinks

  4. Kitchen — Cleaning the oven, stove, and exterior of the cabinets

  5. Bedrooms/Living Areas — Dusting and wiping the inside and outside of drawers and cabinets

As we work through our checklist, all tasks will be completed to the highest level of quality.

Don’t Have Time for House Cleaning To Sell a Home? Let Tidy Up Portland! Do the Dirty Work for You

Do you have a home you’re getting ready to list? 

The team at Tidy Up Portland! can give your house a unique edge so that it shows at its very best. You can customize this service to meet your needs to ensure the selling process is as efficient as possible.

Our professionals provide the absolute best quality residential cleaning services to our customers so they can enjoy a stress-free move-in or move-out experience.

For professional residential cleaning services, contact Tidy Up Portland! today.


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