How Do Hotels Keep Glass Shower Doors Clean? 5 Tips To Use in Your Home


Every time you are at a hotel, you notice how clean the glass shower doors are. They seem to sparkle.

How come you can’t get that same result in your bathroom?

On your shower doors, all you notice is:

  • Mineral buildup

  • Soap scum

  • Hard water stains; and

  • Mold

Don’t fret; you can follow these tips to keep your shower doors clean and shiny. Your shower doors can be as clean as the hotels you stay at with some help. We are excited to share our ideas here.

what-do hotels use to clean glass shower doors

Table of Contents

How Do Hotels Keep Their Glass Shower Doors Clean?

We can’t tell you for sure, as we are not a hotel, but we believe the constant cleaning done in hotels keeps their glass shower doors squeaky clean. 

The upkeep at hotels is focused on prevention and therefore keeps the dirt and scum they could have in their showers from building up. Another thing to consider is that hotels often use a shower filter to remove harsh minerals. These mineral deposits can lead to build-up.

Think about it; you don’t wash your shower doors daily, right? Who has time for that?

5 Insider Tips From the Professionals To Get Your Glass Shower Door as Clean as a Hotel’s

Are you feeling frustrated when it comes to your shower doors? 

Maybe you took the time to clean your shower doors because that cloudiness or grime looked like it was scrubbable, but it didn’t go away after all your hard work. When wet, it looked clean, but as it dried, it got that cloudy look again.

Now is the time to get the inside scoop from the professionals. You, too, can have crystal-clear shower doors.

#1: Up-Keep Is Key

Keeping the glass door dry is essential, so taking a few minutes to dry it daily after your shower is necessary. Remember, hotels are constantly cleaning their bathrooms — upkeep helps bathrooms shine.

#2:  Keep a Squeegee on Hand 

One easy way to improve the look of your shower doors is to use a squeegee to get the excess water and soap off the glass when you’re done showering. 

You may not even have to clean your shower doors daily, but drying them could help improve their appearance. 

Use this tool after every shower and when it is time for deep cleaning. 

#3: Find a Cleaner That Works for You

There are many options - commercial cleaners can work, and this is likely what most hotels use. One home-improvement pro recommends the CLR PRO Multi-Purpose Bath Daily Cleaner as the best overall product. On the other hand, HGTV recommends combating soap scum with vinegar

You can also try using the following: 

  • Dish soap with water

  • Ammonia

  • Rubbing alcohol

  • Baking soda with water

  • Lemon juice; or even  

  • Baby oil

#4: Only Use a Microfiber Cloth

The tiny fibers that make up this type of cloth can clean glass without leaving streaks while being reusable and durable. 

Did you know that some microfiber cloths can be washed up to 1,000 times? It sure does hold up over time. 

In addition, it dries quickly; you can just hang it up to air dry. 

Microfiber also picks up more dirt and residue than other cloths. Since microfiber is positively charged, it attracts dirt and grease that are negatively charged. 

how do professional shower doors clean

#5 Invest in a Water Softener

Hard water is high in dissolved minerals — calcium and magnesium — which causes the water stains and film on your glass shower doors. 

These mineral deposits don’t just get scrubbed away, even though they might appear to disappear when you clean them. Unfortunately, they quickly come back. 

But the good news is that a water softener can prevent that from happening and is simple to install.

What Causes Dirty Glass Shower Doors? The Main Culprits

As you already know, soap scum, hard water spots, and mold/mildew are your arch nemesis in the bathroom. But with all this new knowledge, you are ready to fight against these annoyances. 

Of course, you always have another option, one that will save you time and elbow grease. You can call Tidy Up Portland

Once we work on your bathroom, you will no longer care how hotels keep their shower glass doors clean because your shower doors will finally look the same.  

What Causes Soap Scum on Glass Shower Doors?

Soap scum is a result of soap residue being mixed with hard water. Once this mixture, called lime soap, dries on a glass door, you notice the white or grayish, chalky buildup. It is a slimy layer that you want to eliminate. 

How To Avoid Soap Scum on Glass Shower Doors

Rinse away the excess soap from your shower after every shower. You can keep a spray bottle of undiluted white vinegar in the shower, spray it down, and then squeegee it away. It doesn’t get any quicker and easier.

What Causes Hard Water Spots on Glass Shower Doors?

Water contains magnesium and calcium, which causes a film-like layer on the glass door. This layer is what we call hard water spots.

how do hotels keep their glass shower doors clean

How To Avoid Hard Water Spots on Glass Shower Doors

To avoid hard water spots on your bathroom shower door, try the following tips to see which works best. 

  • Invest in a soft water filter

  • Use your squeegee to remove water from the glass

  • Wipe down the glass with a microfiber towel

  • Use a shower glass sealer to seal and maintain the glass; or

  • Spray with a vinegar and water solution

What Causes Mold on Glass Shower Doors?

Mold is commonly found in damp places.

If your shower isn’t completely dried and cleaned often, mold can appear on and around the glass doors.

How To Avoid Mold on Glass Shower Doors

To avoid mold on your doors, clean them with vinegar and dish soap.

Follow these steps:

  • Spray the mixture on the doors

  • Remove it with a squeegee

  • Keep the shower dry and clean; and 

  • Ventilate the bathroom

You can also use a mixture of chlorine or hydrogen peroxide to kill mold. Spray or wipe the mixture; no scrubbing is even necessary.

If mold is a recurring problem, keep the shower door open when you finish helping the air circulation. An anti-mildew spray may also help.

Get Your Glass Shower Doors Sparkling Clean With Tidy Up Portland!

Tidy Up, Portland! makes cleaning easy and seamless!

If your doors are stained, they become more challenging to clean. The doors may even need to be sanded, but that is in extreme cases. Therefore, focusing on prevention is always the wisest option.

Honestly, it is crazy not to hire a house cleaner to help make your life easier. Wouldn’t you prefer spending your free time relaxing and being with friends and family? Let Tidy Up Portland! do your dirty work.  

We offer the following cleaning services:

  • One-off 

  • Regular 

  • Additional 

  • Antiviral 

  • Move out 

  • Office; and 

  • Special offers

Book an appointment today, and we will get your home in tip-top shape. 


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