Clean and Green: How To Make Homemade Cleaning Products With Essential Oils


Tired of using chemicals to clean your home? Notice that those artificial scents don’t actually smell good? Have you heard there is a better, more natural way to clean, but aren’t sure where to start? 

There is a better way, and it is so simple. Essential oils:

  • Are 100% natural and non-toxic.

  • Will fill your home with fresh, amazing scents.

  • Can be used to make your own cleaning products with ingredients you likely already have around the house.

In this article, we will break down why you should consider cleaning with essential oils, how to make cleaner with essential oils, and what we do here at Tidy Up Portland! to ensure a fantastic, clean home using all-natural products. 

Table of Contents

Can Essential Oils Be Used for Cleaning?

Absolutely! Essential oils are perfect for many household cleaning products. They work great for cleaning surfaces as well as the air and will leave your home feeling and smelling fresh.

There are many benefits to cleaning your home using essential oils. They can:

  • Kill viruses, bacteria, and even fungi. Cinnamon and thyme oils tested most effective in this 2007 study. Oregano essential oil has been tested and proven an effective anti-microbial in this 2013 study.

  • Help with insect control — citrus essential oils are great for this.

  • Be safely mixed with simple household staples to create all-natural cleaning products.

  • Refresh your home and leave it smelling great.

  • Help with breaking down grease — cineole, a major component of eucalyptus oil, is particularly good for this.

There is a huge benefit to making your own products — you know exactly what goes into them and that they truly are natural and green.

If you have furry friends, make sure you consider which essential oils are safest for your pets. The following oils are thought to be safe for use around pets:

  • Lavender

  • Chamomile

  • Myrrh

  • Ginger 

  • Rosemary

  • Frankincense

To be sure, particularly if your pet has other health concerns, always consult with your vet!

Here at Tidy Up Portland!, we offer green house cleaning in Portland. We use only natural cleaning solutions while maintaining the highest sanitation standards.

cleaning with essential oils

Cleaning With Essential Oils vs. Typical Cleaning Products

Essential oils can clean just as well as typical cleaning products. The biggest difference is that they are natural and therefore typically less toxic. There are no harsh chemicals in essential oils, yet they still pack amazing cleaning power and can effectively deodorize your space.

These are some benefits of choosing all-natural cleaning products made with essential oils:

  • No harsh chemicals

  • Non-toxic

  • Safe for children and pets (with some exceptions)

  • Can help create simple, affordable cleaning products

  • Smell great

Best of all, you can feel great knowing that you are prioritizing the planet and the health and safety of your loved ones every time you clean!

What Can I Mix With Essential Oils for Cleaning?

You likely already have the ingredients you will need to make your own natural cleaning products with essential oils.  It depends on the recipe, but the following ingredients are used to make our favorite products:

  • Water

  • Vinegar

  • Natural dish soap or castile soap

  • Baking soda

It’s so simple. If this all sounds great, but you prefer a professional cleaning team to bring your natural cleaning dreams to reality, Tidy Up Portland! is ready to get the job done.

How Do I Make Household Cleaner With Essential Oils?

It’s easy! Choose your favorite recipe, combine the oils with water, vinegar, soap, baking soda, or whatever the recipe calls for, stir, and start cleaning.

Let’s get into those recipes.

5 Recipes for Making Cleaning Solutions With Essential Oils

#1: All-Purpose Cleaner

In a 1-liter spray bottle, simply combine the following ingredients and shake:

This recipe can be easily doubled. Use this cleaner for everything you would use a typical disinfectant spray on: tile floors, surfaces, counters, doorknobs and light switches, etc. 

The more drops of oil you use, the stronger the fragrance of your finished product will be. You can switch up the oils or use more than the recommended 10-20 drops. Shake your cleaner frequently while in use.

  • ½ cup vinegar

  • 1 ½ cup water

  • 1 teaspoon of natural dish soap

  • 10–20 drops of orange or lemon essential oil 

This recipe can be easily doubled. Use this cleaner for everything you would use a typical disinfectant spray on: tile floors, surfaces, counters, doorknobs and light switches, etc. 

The more drops of oil you use, the stronger the fragrance of your finished product will be. You can switch up the oils or use more than the recommended 10-20 drops. Shake your cleaner frequently while in use.

make cleaner with essential oils

#2: Soft Scrub

To gently and effectively clean sinks, tubs, and grout, you can mix together:

  • 5 drops lemon, peppermint, or wild orange essential oils 

  • ¼ cup baking soda 

  • Enough water to make a paste

Store this cleanser in a covered glass jar because essential oils can break down plastic.

You can use a towel or soft scrubbing brush to clean using your soft scrub paste. A toothbrush works great for cleaning grout and caulk. Always rinse well with water after scrubbing away build-up to prevent the baking soda from caking and leaving a chalky residue. 

#3: Carpet Deodorizer

Mix this simple carpet deodorizer in a glass container with a top that allows you to sprinkle without pouring.  Use exactly as you would a store-bought carpet deodorizer every time you vacuum. 

Mix the following:

  • 1 cup baking soda

  • 10 drops peppermint oil

  • 5 drops citrus oil of your choice

#4: Garbage Disposal Bomb

You will need to make your garbage disposal bombs 24 hours before you want to use the first one to allow time for it to air dry. Combine the following ingredients in a bowl and mix:

  • ¾ cup baking soda

  • ½ cup salt

  • 1 tablespoon natural dish soap or castile soap

  • 5 drops lemon oil

  • 5 drops peppermint oil

Use a melon baller or tablespoon to form your bombs in compact scoops and place on a parchment-lined cookie sheet. Allow to dry 24 hours. Store bombs in a glass jar. Every time you need to refresh your garbage disposal, drop in a bomb and run the disposal with some hot water. Goodbye, stinky sink!

cleaning solution with essential oils

#5: Window Cleaner

Natural window cleaner is so easy to make!

Mix the following ingredients in a spray bottle:

  • 1 part vinegar

  • 10 parts warm water

  • 5-10 drops of lemon essential oil

Shake frequently while in use to ensure an even mixture. For best results, clean windows using recycled newspapers or microfiber towels with this solution.

Tidy Up Portland! Offers Eco-Friendly Cleaning To Keep Your Home Fresh, Sparkling, and Chemical-Free

You are all set to get started cleaning your home with your very own all-natural products using essential oils.

However, we know this can still be a daunting task, even armed with all the info you need. We at Tidy Up Portland! are here to offer support with our 5-star professional cleaning services. We use only natural, non-toxic cleaners and offer a variety of services depending on your needs. We do it all, from maintenance cleaning to deep cleaning. We even provide support tailored for busy families.

We value the environment and your health. That’s why we are committed to using green cleaning supplies and limiting our use of disposable products. We offer a clean you can feel great about! Contact us today to get on our schedule.


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